My News Africa

The Voice Of Africa

Naledi Pandor

South African’s Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor welcomed in Washington by Antony Blinken.

On Tuesday, South Africa’s Foreign Minister, Naledi Pandor, arrived in Washington for bilateral discussions. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken warmly received her, emphasizing the strong partnership between the United States and South Africa.

The State Department noted that the United States and South Africa collaborate extensively in various fields, including health, education, environment, and the digital economy.

Blinken remarked, “We have a wide range of topics to address, not only concerning regional matters but also our bilateral relationship, encompassing our collaborative efforts in climate, energy, infrastructure, and healthcare.”

South Africa holds the position of being the United States’ largest trading partner in Africa. Approximately 600 American companies operate within South Africa, contributing to a two-way trade value of nearly $18 billion.

Pandor mentioned that South Africa is currently hosting its ambassadors stationed throughout the Americas in Washington for discussions regarding their relations with countries in the region.

“As always, the United States of America stands out as one of South Africa’s most crucial partners,” she affirmed. “I am delighted that we have this opportunity to reconnect, share insights into developments in Southern Africa and across the continent, and continue the valuable cooperation we have nurtured together,” Pandor added.

Naledi Pandor’s visit occurs amidst notable strain on the strategic partnership between South Africa and the United States following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The South African government has refrained from demanding that Russia cease hostilities and withdraw its forces from Ukraine.



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